North Elementary has a Book Fair beginning Sept 22 and running through Sept 30. Here is online link for online purchases: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/northelementaryschool83
Here is the interactive book flyer link: https://bookfairsfiles.scholastic.com/flippingbooks/F21-ES-Case-Booklist/F21_ES_Case_Booklist.html#p=1

Mt. Healthy City School District Remote Learning Event
Mt. Healthy City School District recognizes the importance of keeping students and staff healthy during in-person instruction. We appreciate that our students do their best when working in-person with their teachers. We are also mindful of the delicate balance necessary for the wellness of everyone while providing in-person instruction.
Due to a rise in COVID 19 cases and the quarantines that are associated with those cases, that delicate balance of wellness and in-person instruction is becoming challenging. Therefore, Mt. Healthy City School District is taking a proactive approach, for all of our community, by planning a remote learning event that will occur from October 11th to October 22nd. This event is scheduled during a time that our students will be out of school for staff professional development on October 18th and 19th.
Students and parents/guardians will receive remote learning instructions from building principals and teachers. During the time of the remote learning event, our buildings will extensively be cleaned to ensure a safe environment when returning to in-person learning on October 25th.
As a celebration, our Early Center is scheduled to be ready on October 20th. We will be moving items during the remote instruction time so that students will start back at the new facility. We will have a celebration at the Early Learning Center on October 24th at 2 pm for all that would like to attend.
Working together as one, we know we can meet the needs of our students while also keeping everyone safe.
If you have further questions, please contact your building principals.

Mt. Healthy City School District Food Pantry is hosting "Dinner at Home" distribution on Wednesday, September 22 from 2:30-4 pm. Families may pick-up a special meal box in addition to the regular food distribution package. The special meal box will include all the ingredients, a recipe for the meal, and a link to a video food demonstration making the meal.
Boxes are available to the first 150 families. Distribution will take place at the Jr/Sr High School Warehouse, behind the school.
Please pre-register using the link: https://forms.gle/rNXUJxSq9KQLwvL3A

Dear Mt. Healthy City Schools Parents and Guardians;
As many of you are aware, we are seeing an increase in COVID 19 cases in Hamilton County and in our district. This increase in cases has led to staff shortages in the transportation department due to COVID-19 quarantines. Mt. Healthy City School District is collaborating with Peterson Transportation to make every effort to staff buses with drivers to ensure that every child is picked up and dropped off on time. However, currently staff shortages are making this very challenging. Current drivers are covering two to three routes to ensure that all bus riders are provided transportation. This is causing some buses to run later than normal during pick up and drop off. We are asking that students/parents please remain at the bus stops until your child is picked up and/or dropped off.
Our number one priority is providing quality education to our students and community. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Dear Mt. Healthy City Schools Parents and Guardians;
As many of you are aware, we are seeing an increase in COVID 19 cases in Hamilton County and in our district. This increase in cases has led to staff shortages in the transportation department due to quarantines.
Mt. Healthy City School District is collaborating with Peterson Transportation to make every effort to staff buses with drivers to ensure that every child is picked up and dropped off on time. However, current staff shortages are making this very challenging, and causing drivers to cover two to three routes to ensure that all bus riders are provided transportation. This is causing some buses to run later than normal during pick up and drop off.
We are asking that students/parents please remain at the bus stops until your child is picked up and/or dropped off. Our number one priority is providing quality education to our students and community. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Thank you,
Mt. Healthy City Schools

Mt. Healthy City School District Kicks Off an Amazing Year With Building Open Houses
Every new school year brings the opportunity for the families of Mt. Healthy City School District to attend an Open House or Back to School event. This year was no exception. Each building in the Mt. Healthy CSD offered an Open House/Meet the Teacher Night for students and parents to meet new teachers, new administrative staff, visit classrooms, hear about building-wide expectations, gain important literacy information and much more.
The Mt. Healthy Jr/Sr High School held their Open House on Thursday, August 11 to allow junior high and high school students to pick up their schedules. Parents or guardians were able to connect with teachers and staff. The Mt. Healthy Junior High School welcomed new and current administrators: Matt Morris, Principal, David Grathwohl, Assistant Principal, and Kianna Marks, Assistant Principal. The Mt. Healthy High School introduced a few new faces in addition to current administrators: Arnez Gray, Principal, Michael Lindsey, Assistant Principal for 9th grade, Amy Criswell, Assistant Principal for 10th grade, Tyler Meyer, Assistant Principal for 11th/12th grade (last names A-L), and William Amburgey, Assistant Principal for 11th/12th grade (last names M-Z). They look forward to a successful year of learning and growing.
Parents and guardians of kindergarteners and preschoolers attended a virtual Open House for the new Early Learning Center, set to open in late October. The new Assistant Principals, Mrs. Burg and Mrs. Powers welcomed families and gave them a virtual tour of the building and the construction progress being made. They explained expectations and procedures for students while they still attended the elementary buildings. Both Assistant Principals are excited to move into the new building in late October and celebrate the new space with our little Owls.
On Wednesday, August 18, the day after school began for most district students both elementary buildings held an Open House/Meet the Teacher night. South Elementary welcomed families for a Meet the Teacher Night. During their event, families listened as the building principal and administrative staff explained expectations for the school year as well as highlighting some upcoming scheduled events. Families also had the opportunity to meet and talk with different individuals (staff, a representative of Girl Scouts USA, Mt. Healthy Band teachers, and South PTO representatives). Prior to Meet the Teacher Night, the building administrators invited families for a “Pop In & Meet the Principals” day to provide families the opportunity to meet Mrs. Brittany Dickerson, South’s new principal, Ms. Cynthia Vaugn, Assistant Principal, Ms. Laura Warman, Assistant Principal and Mr. Bob Buchheim, Dean of Students. The positive energy buzzing around South Elementary is encouraging for a fantastic school year for all students, staff and families.
North Elementary an Open House. Families were introduced to Mrs. Christina Ellis-Townsend, North’s new building principal and her new Assistant Principals: Mr. Deondre Drakeford, Mr. Tony Greco, and Ms. Tenisha Smith. They shared building-wide expectations, new procedures, uniforms, and literacy information with the families. Parents and families then headed to classrooms to meet teachers and staff. The North staff is positive that this will be a wonderful school year for all students, staff and families.

2021-2022 Policy Changes

2021-2022 Uniform Policy

Greetings North Families,
Welcome to a new week of learning. A huge thank you to all the families that attended our open house this past Thursday. Just a few reminders as we enter into this new week, please make sure you call the school by 2:30 or send a note w/ your child if you are changing your dismissal pick up and remind your child to give the note to their teacher.
During Arrival and Dismissal:
-drive slow
-stay attentive to the line movement
-pull all the way up and around in the car loop
-make sure children are ready to get out when you pull up in the loop (backpacks ready, masks on)
Finally, please make sure your child brings a mask w/ them to school. That is all for this week. Have a wonderful and safe week.

Don't Forget!!
North's Open House will take place this evening from 5-6:30pm!! We are looking forward to seeing everyone. Please don't forget that masks are required while in the building.

North Families,
We are still waiting on buses to arrive at North for dismissal. Please wait at the bus stop. We are getting them out as soon as we can.
Thank you!!

School begins tomorrow (Tuesday, August 17)for all students grades 1-12. We are excited to welcome you back!
Buildings open as follows - Jr/Sr HS 7:15 am
South Elementary 8:35 am
North Elementary 9:05 am
See you then, Owls!

Greetings North Families
Welcome to the 21-22 school year. My name is Mrs. Ellis-Townsend and I am honored to serve as your principal. We are looking forward to welcoming all of our little owls back to school on Tuesday, Aug. 17th. Please remember that our school day begins at 9:05 until 3:55. Just a reminder as we welcome our little owls back into the building, parents will not be allowed to walk students to classes, we will have adult staff stationed throughout the building to help our owls get to their classes safe and sound. Students should also be in school uniform as they join us on the 17th and masks will be required for all students.
Please be on the lookout for more information regarding our upcoming Open House/Meet the teacher night, which will be held on Thursday, August 19th from 5-6:30pm.
That is all for this week, here’s to a fantastic school year and we will see you all on Tuesday! Have a wonderful week.

Mt. Healthy CSD has updated protocols for the 2021-22 school year:
- Masks will be required for all students PreK-12th grade
- Masks will be required for all sporting events and extracurricular activities
- Masks will be required on school buses to and from school as well as
and school-related activities.
- Uniforms are required this school year.
Masks will be re-evaluated at the end of 1st quarter.

Please take notice of the slightly adjusted start and end times for each of the Mt. Healthy CSD buildings.
Jr/Sr High School: start at 7:15 am and end at 2:13 pm
South Elementary: start 8:35 am and end at 3:25 pm
North Elementary: start 9:05 am and end at 3:55 pm
The times for the new ELC building will be published at a later date when the building is closer to opening.

Sponsored by Revelation Missionary Baptist Church, Mt. Healthy City School District, Mt. Healthy Baptist Church, Mt. Healthy Police Department, and Target. Back packs with supplies will be provided to pre-registered Mt. Healthy CSD students. There maybe some additional back packs for others, but will be a first-come, first serve basis.
Registration is now closed.

Mt. Healthy families: In collaboration with Revelation Missionary Baptist Church, Mt. Healthy Police Department, Mt. Healthy Baptist Church and Target, Mt. Healthy City School District is sponsoring a Back to School Bash on Sunday, August 15, 2-5 pm offering families a some fun, food, and giveaways (Backpacks and supplies will be provided to all Mt. Healthy school-age children).
Please register using the link: https://forms.gle/d8spTqyuuN7Jmsk27

North Elementary is hosting an Open House on Thursday, August 19, 5 pm-6:30 pm. Parent meeting begins promptly at 5 pm in cafeteria.

North & South Elementary School
Based on a district-wide survey made available to families in early May, students will return to full in person learning (adhering to state and CDC COVID guidelines) at North & South Elementary during the 2021-2022 school year.
We recognize the importance of every students' success at Mt. Healthy City Schools, and therefore have hired additional teachers and staff to help students be successful next school year.
Brittany Dickerson, Principal Christina Ellis-Townsend, Principal
South Elementary 2021-2022 North Elementary 2021-2022

Welcome to our newly designed website and new Mt. Healthy CSD app! Please follow the directions below to download and stay up-to-date with us! 1. Search ‘Mt. Healthy City Schools, OH' in your phone's app store and download the app 2. Select ‘ALLOW' when prompted on initial download to ensure you receive notifications 3. Open the app, and navigate to the bottom menu then tap ‘SETTINGS' 4. Ensure your settings are turned on and your organization is selected